Showing posts with label software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label software. Show all posts

Friday, November 25, 2011

Easy File Locker

Easy File Locker is FREEWARE.

Easy File Locker is a light-weight and easy-to-use file lock software product for Windows. It can protect your private files and folders. With its great protection, users will not be able to open, read, modify, delete, move, copy the locked files/folders, or even not be able to see it. The hidden files/folders will be totally invisible to all users and to any program.

[More Info]
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

adalah situs penyedia applikasi portable. semua gratis kita download. dan yang pasti keren abissssssssssssssssssssss.....
nah tu dia salah satu contoh applikasi potable yang saiyya pake... VLC

dan tentunya masih banyak applikasi keren yg lain
emmm maw juga... buruan menuju TKP....klik
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Monday, October 10, 2011

KeePass Password Safe

Apa KeePass?
Hari ini Anda perlu mengingat banyak password. Anda membutuhkan password untuk logon jaringan Windows, e-mail Anda, password FTP website Anda, password online (seperti account anggota website), dll dll dll Daftar ini tak ada habisnya. Juga, Anda harus menggunakan password yang berbeda untuk setiap account. Karena jika Anda hanya menggunakan satu password mana-mana dan seseorang mendapatkan password ini Anda memiliki masalah ... Sebuah masalah yang serius. Pencuri akan memiliki akses ke e-mail website Anda, akun, dll terbayangkan.

KeePass adalah password manager sumber bebas terbuka, yang membantu Anda untuk mengelola password Anda dalam cara yang aman. Anda bisa menyimpan semua sandi Anda dalam satu database, yang dikunci dengan satu kunci utama atau file kunci. Jadi Anda hanya perlu mengingat satu password master tunggal atau pilih file kunci untuk membuka seluruh database. Database dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma enkripsi yang terbaik dan paling aman saat ini dikenal (AES dan Twofish). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat halaman fitur .

Apakah benar-benar gratis?
Ya, KeePass adalah benar-benar bebas, dan lebih dari itu: itu adalah sumber terbuka (OSI bersertifikat). Anda dapat melihat pada sumbernya penuh dan memeriksa apakah algoritma enkripsi yang diterapkan dengan benar.


Classic Edition
KeePass 1.20
Stable Release KeePass 1.20 (Installer EXE for Windows)
This package contains everything you need to use KeePass. Simply download the EXE file above, run it and follow the steps of the installation program. You need local installation rights (use the Portable version below, if you don't have these rights).
Stable Release Portable KeePass 1.20 (ZIP Package)
Download this ZIP package and unpack it to your favorite location (USB stick, ...). KeePass runs without any additional installation and won't store any settings outside the application directory.
Supported operating systems:
Windows 98 / 98SE / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 / Wine, each 32-bit and 64-bit.

GDI+ (included in Windows ≥ XP).
Professional Edition
KeePass 2.16
Stable Release KeePass 2.16 (Installer EXE for Windows)
This package contains everything you need to use KeePass. Simply download the EXE file above, run it and follow the steps of the installation program. You need local installation rights (use the Portable version below, if you don't have these rights).
Stable Release Portable KeePass 2.16 (ZIP Package)
Download this ZIP package and unpack it to your favorite location (USB stick, ...). KeePass runs without any additional installation and won't store any settings outside the application directory.
Supported operating systems:
Windows 98 / 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7, each 32-bit and 64-bit,
Mono (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, ...).
Microsoft .NET Framework ≥ 2.0 (included in Windows ≥ Vista) or Mono ≥ 2.6.
Unsure which edition to choose? See the Edition Comparison Table. Also see the Development Status FAQ. Both editions are actively developed.

Contributed/Unofficial KeePass Ports
PocketPC PocketPC Smart Devices KeePass for PocketPC & Smart Devices (1.x & 2.x)
Windows Phone KeePass for Windows Phone 7 (7Pass)
iPod KeePass for iPhone/iPad (MiniKeePass) (compat. with 1.x & 2.x)
iPod KeePass for iPhone/iPad (iKeePass) (compat. with 1.x)
iPod KeePass for iPhone/iPad (MyKeePass) (compat. with 1.x & 2.x)
iPod KeePass for iPhone/iPad (KyPass) (compat. with 1.x & 2.x)
Link KeePass for Android (KeePassDroid)
Mobile KeePass for J2ME / mobile phones (KeePassMobile)
J2ME Website KeePass for J2ME / mobile phones (KeePassJ2ME)
BlackBerry Website KeePass for BlackBerry (compat. with KeePass 1.x)
BlackBerry Website KeePass for BlackBerry (compat. with KeePass 2.x)
PalmOS Link KeePass for PalmOS (Converter) (also see 2.x To KeyRing)

Linux Link KeePass for Linux / Mac OS X (1.x KeePassX)
Note that KeePass 2.x runs under Linux / Mac OS X, too; see Running KeePass under Mono.

Contributed/Unofficial KeePass Packages
Win32 Tux KeePass 2.x for Debian/Ubuntu Linux
Tux KeePass 2.x for Other Linux Systems
Mac OS X KeePass 2.x for Mac OS X
PortableApps Logo KeePass 1.x for PortableApps Suite™
PortableApps Logo KeePass 2.x for PortableApps Suite™
USB Stick KeePass 1.20 for U3 Devices
USB Stick KeePass 2.x for U3 Devices
Link KeePass for Preinstalled Environments (PE)
Spoon KeePass for Spoon

Other Downloads and Resources
  Source Code KeePass 1.20 Source Code, Source Code KeePass 2.16 Source Code
These packages contain everything you need to build your own KeePass.exe and plugins (source code, resources, build scripts, ...).
Software KeePass 1.20 MSI Package, Software KeePass 2.16 MSI Package
MSI packages for network administrators.
Hash Sums Verifying your download: Hash Sums, OpenPGP Signatures, .NET Public Keys
Link Downloads Archive (Old KeePass Releases, ...)

sumber : 
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

membaca partisi linux di windows

Partisi windows (NTFS) bisa terbaca dari os linux tetapi partisi linux (Ext2, Ext3, Ext4) tidak bisa di baca dari os windows... knapa ya???????? hemmmm siapa bilang tidak bisa.... bisa bos.... pake sofrware.... ni dia softwarenya: Ext2explore.. software ini gak perlu di install... tinggal klik run udah dech bisa kebaca tu isi daripada partisi linux... mau mencoba... silahkan download dulu disini setelah di download jangan lupa di ekstrak ya.... hemm...boleh nie di pake skarang

selamat mencoba
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

office 2010 asli

udah pada jago make MS office. asli pa palsu yang di pake? sepertinya sie enak yang asli emmm boleh nie beli MS Office asli di amazone tinggal klik order bayar dapet dech ga perlu repot keluar rumah muter-muter

tu.. klik aja gambar di bawah buat order ke amazone

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Driver Canon pixma iP 1880 di ubuntu

  • Download package driver Canon PIXMA iP1900/iP1880 dari link berikut
  • Extract pada terminal:
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Flazz Music Player

Flazz Music Player adalah pemutar musik kecil dan ringan. Aplikasi ini benar-benar gratis. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan. Flazz Music Player ini juga mampu menghasilkan suara yang cukup jelas dan sempurna.

klik download

sumber :
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

menghapus software pake revo uninstaller

huh... instal app pi ternyata gak sa di pake... jadi sebel dech... maw menghapus/uninstal males banyak sampah tertinggal...
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